Base retainer is $9,950.00 USD. 15% discount for paying in full at commencement of coaching with no employer reimbursement or funding. NOTE: This base retainer and discount pricing is only valid if contract is initiated before March 31, 2023.
Includes assessment administration fees, interpretation/analysis of assessment results, live and email coaching during business hours, asynchronous coaching support, optional coaching session summary notes, and additional resource materials relevant to the focus of coaching.
TERM: This retainer will terminate seven months after contract signature date. An additional month is provided to allow for the occasional rescheduling and/or vacation dates.
Proposed Coaching Program Components include:
- Coaching sessions 2x/month: live, synchronous coaching sessions conducted by phone and/or video, scheduled (whenever possible) during regular business hours. The standard length of each coaching session will range from 45-to-60 minutes.
- Discussion of reflections and assessment results, coaching fieldwork, currentnopportunities and challenges to build greater self-awareness and leadershipneffectiveness.
- Option to request weekly coaching sessions: to support a new role transition, a particularly challenging situation, preparing for a critical presentation, or other compelling reason.
- The following coaching tools may be utilized during coaching sessions: powerful questions, active listening, goal setting, accountability, somatic coaching activities, visualization, role playing important conversations, and more.
- Trusted Advisor lens: When you request, or when I offer and you agree, I may take off my “coach hat” and put on my “trusted advisor hat” to offer you an additional lens, leverage experience from working with over a thousand clients, suggesting a template or resource, or in other ways act as more of an advisor than a coach.
- Summary notes may be shared after each coaching session via email to capture your key takeaways and coaching field work (aka "next steps") so you can take immediate action on the outcomes from each coaching session. You are also strongly encouraged to take your own notes during coaching sessions and to document key insights during coaching fieldwork between sessions, using a dedicated notebook or journal.
Also included are:
- On-the-spot live support via shorter "laser-focused" coaching calls: for those moments when you need live coaching support that cannot wait until the next scheduled session, you may request a 15-20 minute phone or video call at any time during regular business hours.
- Asynchronous coaching support: in-between coaching sessions when you are experimenting with new leadership behaviors and implementing new practices, questions may arise and you may also wish to share new insights and successes. You are encouraged to message me between coaching sessions so you do not have to wait until the next coaching session to receive support.
- Administration and interpretation/analysis of assessment results: included in your program are the administration fees and interpretation/analysis of assessment results for numerous different assessments that may be integrated into coaching. See below for a suggested list, selected for you based on the themes and opportunities that emerged in our initial meeting.
- Recommended resources: recommendations may be provided for content relevant to the focus of coaching and related leadership development topics in the form of books, articles, videos, and podcasts.
- Related technology support for coaching program-related emails, Dropbox usage (if utilized), and assessment website usage, etc.
Recommended Exercises, Assessments, and Frameworks to use during our coaching:
- Foundational Reflections exercise (custom-designed for you)
- Motivated Skills and Career Values Online Card Sort assessments
- Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness ("Saboteurs" and PQ) Online Assessments
- Total LeadershipTM Stakeholder Analysis and/or Dialogues
- Leader Network Diagnostic – may become relevant depending on what career growth opportunities arise with your employer
NOT included in this six-month retainer*:
- Qualitative 360 interviews, online 360 survey, and/or 360 written report
*The above can be added for additional fees.
My Commitment as your Coach Includes:
- Giving you 100% of my time and attention during our live coaching sessions
- 100% confidentiality. Any details or outcomes from coaching sessions are yours to share as you choose.
- Being straightforward, honest and compassionate about your progress so that you know where you stand and are in a safe, confidential space where you explore and discuss what’s right for you with no judgment
- Keeping you focused on YOUR goals (and holding you accountable for taking the action steps you agree to, or renegotiating them)
- Caring deeply about you and your success
Your Commitment Includes:
- Refraining from multi-tasking during our sessions/calls and treating our coaching as “sacred time”
- Being authentic, honest and open with what you question or struggle with so that I can fully support you
- Being responsible for your own results, which includes proactively completing the assessments, using the provided templates, responding to the provided reflection questions, asking questions and engaging in your coaching fieldwork and other program components
- Respecting the intellectual property of authors and owners of the assessments, frameworks and tools used in your coaching program
- Practicing self-compassion as you move through the totally normal and expected emotional ups and downs of leadership development, career evolution, and practicing new leadership behaviors
- Treating your coaching sessions as you would an appointment with your most important client. (Coaching sessions may be rescheduled once within the same 2-week period. Sessions cancelled within 24 hours are counted.)
- Providing a positive testimonial about your experience in and the results of working with me as your coaching in this customized coaching program, assuming I have earned it!
Confidentiality is crucial in this program. As your coach, I will maintain a highly confidential environment.
However, if at any time I am concerned that you may harm yourself or another person, or in the case of any legal request, I, and my representatives, cannot uphold confidentiality, as executive coaching is not a professional field that is governed by doctor/client privilege. If information you share with us is sufficiently “illegal” or “dangerous-to-oneself-or-others”, I will consult an attorney in order to determine whether or not to notify authorities. If information you share with me creates an uncomfortable feeling for me, or steps outside of my ethics and integrity base, I will let you know and may terminate the coaching relationship.
Commitment and Termination:
Coaching is a powerful process with ups and downs: you can flip/flop from feeling excited and at other times feeling challenged. When you feel challenged or stuck, this is often a perfect sign that you are moving through obstacles and shifting your mindset to support your future success. My request is that any and all concerns regarding the work of this program and coaching be addressed with me so I can be the best coach for you and assure the coaching relationship is in integrity. Working together, we will make sure your needs are met. Should either of us decide the coaching partnership is not effective, we will communicate that openly one to the other, and if needed provide 30 days’ notice of termination of the coaching partnership.