The Bottom Line: Decluttering can save your sanity, your well-being and your bank account. Read on to learn how I did it and how you can do the same for yourself!
It’s true. I am my own best client.
Whatever I’m working on in my own life informs how I support my clients.
If there’s a challenge I’m struggling with, I try a bunch of different approaches to see what works best. Then, implement, refine, implement, refine over time until I’ve created a habit and added it to my list of Platinum Practices.
After the holidays, I started to get behind on putting things away. And, I have some new activities in my life that involved new materials and folders that did not yet have a home. One thing led to another and voila: my messy desk.
It’s happened before, and it will probably happen again.
But, the impact this time was even more destructive.
The Ugly Truth of What I Discovered Amidst the Piles and Chaos:
Not only could I not find the business card of the prospect I was supposed to follow up with, I misplaced an invoice I needed to pay. That translated into potential lost revenue and potentially harming my credit rating.
In the process of re-applying my tried and true strategies for getting organized and staying organized, I found a rebate check that had expired. Lost money. It was only worth $4, but still – every dollar adds up!
I also discovered (thankfully) a reminder to cancel my business insurance policy before the end of the month, since I had found a more appropriate and more affordable replacement. And, not only did I find that prospect’s business card, but I also found the cards of three others I want to follow up with in my network.
The FANTASTIC Results of Investing JUST 3 hours of my time:
In just 3 hours, I re-organized my desk, my shelves, and my filing cabinet. What kind of return did I get on this investment?
- Relaxed shoulders, open mind, and more free-flowing creative energy when I look at or sit down at my desk to work – PRICELESS!
- Ease of work and being able to find what I need when I need it – PRICELESS!
- Prevented loss of the monthly rate I was paying for that redundant insurance – $50/month
- Future income from the prospect who wants to work with me (and the income from the referrals she will give me in the future) – $$$$ (thousands!)
So, how did I tackle my desk and get it done in such a short amount of time with such great results?All my easy-to-follow tips, simple strategies, and inspiring (and often humorous) ideas are included in my new Clutter-Clearing, Performance Boosting Home Study Guide.
And right here, right now, I’m going to share 7 Simple Steps for Re-discovering your Joy, your Freedom, and your Money — at home or in the office.
Why Bother to Declutter?
Decluttering your physical environment helps to:
- Melt away stress
- Increase our productivity
- Boost your happiness
- Save you real money (see my story above)
- Improve relations with your officemates/housemates
- Free-up your mental and physical energy and creative flow
- and much more!
Nothing is better than that ahhhhhhhhh feeling that comes from feeling good in your body, performing at your optimum level, and receiving the resulting prosperity that flows freely into your life and business.And when there is room for free air flow, to see the surfaces and for light to shine through, there is room for new abundance to rush in. Welcome the new, positive energy that will come from investing a few hours (or less) in clutter-clearing.
Step 1: NAME IT! Pick a small decluttering project you can tackle in half a day or less AND potentially have a big impact on your well-being and effectiveness.
Consider what is draining your energy the most AND impeding your forward progress on the work that inspires you in this world and brings meaning to your life.
It could be your email In Box, or your work area (especially if it’s a disaster like mine was), or your car, or your bedroom (especially if it’s affecting the quality of your sleep). It might be your refrigerator, a oft-used pantry closet, or your living room. Anything goes!
Step 2: BLOCK IT! Block time in your calendar and create an appointment with yourself to tackle the project.
Step 3: PREP IT! Consider what you’ll be doing and what supplies you might need. For example, I knew that I would need some additional file folders and labels, a permanent ink pen, an empty container beneath my shredder, and a storage box or two.
Step 4: DO IT! Protect that time in your schedule and follow through. Think of it as an appointment with your most important client or customer.
Step 5: DOCUMENT IT! Take before, during, and after pictures, to track our progress – it’s so incredibly satisfying. Trust me!
Step 6: LAUGH AND DANCE THROUGH IT! Make yourself a cup of tea or another special beverage, put on some great music to keep up your spirits and laugh at yourself with each new discovery you make.
Step 7: CELEBRATE IT! Savor the moment of completion by sharing your success. Show it off to your co-workers, your spouse, your friends, and others. Post your photos on Facebook or Instagram. Ask them to pat you on the back. Or, do what I did: I scheduled a massage for 2 PM that same day after I spent the morning re-organizing. That was a fantastic reward for the hard work I put in!
So, what project will you tackle? And, when will you do it? Send me an email and let me know so I can help hold you accountable!
Need more support?
For a limited time, before the official release of my new home study course, you can reserve your copy of the Clutter-Clearing, Performance Boosting Home Study Guide at a special
pre-release price.
Here’s an Overview of What’s Included:
Week 4: “Feel Totally Together and Organized By Decluttering Your Everyday Routines” Do you sometimes wish you could press pause on your mail and email delivery so that you could get on top of all this stuff once and for all and finally have some peace and quiet? Well, you don’t have to! The simple strategies I’ll share with you will streamline how you experience your work day, how you go about achieving your goals and will make you feel sane in a relentless world of constant requests of your time. You’ll choose one tip to implement for maximum impact!
And the special bonus is a free Q&A call with me!
Here’s to you feeling lighter, more inspired, and more in control of your time and energy!
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