Believe it or not, I resist accountability. I do everything I can to not create measurable goals and not have to follow through on my goals.
Why? Part of my nature is a perfectionist and my inner perfectionist does not like to be criticized. So if I am not working toward something, then how can I be held accountable for it? (Avoidance strategy obtained!)
You too may have your own inner saboteur. Does he, she, or it have a name? If you have examined your Internal Board of Directors, then you might know exactly who that is and how to transform that into a positive and productive part of your whole being.
I renamed my perfectionist as my “Quality Control Expert.” I give her time and space to provide her input, and I give her input strong consideration. But she does not run the show. I’ve also learned to not completely ignore her, because the result is I get really sloppy with my goals and I fail to perform at my optimum level.
The result? Empowered Goal Setting!
I put on my Creator hat and ask the following questions: [Follow along and you can do this for yourself!]
What results is great clarity about how I can be excited about taking the necessary steps to be successful with my goals. And the details that come from answering these questions often translate into a SMART goal.
S = Specific (I know exactly what I’m aiming for.)
M = Measurable (It’s clear how I will qualitatively and quantitatively know I have reached my goal.)
A = Attainable (It’s realistic and I know I have the time and support to make it happen.)
R = Relevant (It directly aligns with and supports my vision, and it makes sense for me to do this at this time in my life or business.)
T = Timed/Timely (There is a clear time-related deadline and it will be best to do it at the specific time.)
Here’s to you elevating yourself out of shifty and sloppy goal setting to a new level of energized, empowered goal setting AND successful execution!