Hang on to your hat and stand strong in your personal power.
These next few days are going to be powerful.
“Powerful in what way?”
We will experience an extremely rare seasonal shift and cosmic event all wrapped up in one. And it may impact your mood and the trajectory of your life. No joke!
“Huh? What?”
Here’s what’s up:
At the same time as the new moon of the spring equinox, “a very rare supermoon eclipse of the sun is happening … that won’t take place again until 2034.” Learn more in this detailed article here.
“Why should I care? How will this affect me?”
Whether or not you’re consciously aware of the connections in your daily life, you’ve probably already been experiencing the discomfort and opening that comes from shedding the winter heaviness and bursting through into Springtime.
“Tell me more. What do you mean?”
You are irritated or just plain aware of what is not working for you anymore. You are making changes in your life and in your work to make the way you live & work more suitable for your needs and your direction. This is consistent with what’s happening with the actual soil and plants in the earth: rocks and old roots and weeds are being pushed out of the way for new seeds to take root, to sprout and to push up through the surface of the ground and yield beautiful green tenderlings that will bloom and produce fruit.
I’ve definitely been experiencing this in my life. (You may have read about it in my recent blog post “Have you hit the wall?“) I’ve been supporting my clients in moving through this process too. Is this happening for you?
But the fact is that these winter-into-spring shifts are not only happening now in the immediacy of your life and this year’s seasonal shift, but are happening to all of us in a massive ‘once-in-an-era’ kind of way.
“Okay, so what might be the impact of this weekend’s spring equinox & total eclipse and this bigger shift mean for me?”
I’m definitely not an expert in these things, so I look for others who can provide greater insight. One source I go to is an Australian woman named Dana Mrkich.
Dana wrote in her blog post this week: “You may find that something quite specific started to play out mid 2012, that has gone through several metamorphosis’s and shifts. You may also feel, or will soon, that whatever was playing out has come to a final conclusion, a final resolution or realization. Perhaps a full circle moment has happened. Something that was out of balance is now balanced or coming into balance in a clearer way. Something that needed addressing has been acknowledged. A healing or outcome that perhaps wasn’t possible before is now possible. A particular story of your life is now being put to bed, and you can move forward in a new way: transformed, with a new feeling of power in some way. All of these things are examples of how we may feel in this ‘After’ phase of this series of alignments.”
Let me be honest: I used to think this stuff was mumbo jumbo, hocus pocus. That is, I used to… until I observed the shifts happening everywhere: in the media, in my community, in the lives of family and friends and clients, and in my own life. I couldn’t ignore the fact that we are all moving through a period of tremendous upheaval that is enabling a powerful and positive shift in our world. You may only experience this on the micro level of your daily life, or you too may be seeing and experiencing the bigger movement that we are all apart of.
“Okay. You have my attention. So, now what do I do?”
1. Through this weekend’s big events: be compassionate with yourself and others, and be observant. Maybe even write down what you are experiencing and observing in yourself, including what clarity and realizations are coming to you about what’s working in your life and what needs to change. Notice the behavior of those around you, and the events that are taking place on the world stage at large.
2. These next several Springtime weeks: consider what you can do to productively promote positive changes in your life.
- What decisions have you been waiting on for awhile? Make a decision now and move on. Or, take it off your list and let it go.
- What projects are inviting your attention? Make the commitment to yourself to get them done.
- What or who has been draining your energy? Take compassionate and positive action to shift your attention to what energizes you and supports you in being your best and enjoying life and work.
And if you need to talk more about how to do any of this, email me and we’ll put 15 minutes on the calendar. On the call, we’ll give our combined and focused attention to what is top of mind for you so you can get some clarity to move forward in a positive, productive way!
In Summary…
Hold tight! Shift is happening! But, that doesn’t mean you need to get knocked off your center. Take advantage of this opportunity to stand solidly in your power and grow personally and professionally in a way that benefits you and all the key people in your life!
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