“You mean my food choices affect my energy level
and performance?“
Yah, a lot.
Let’s say you want to feel more energized so you
can get more done.
Ask yourself: “Am I eating food with lots of life
force energy?“
Prefer to listen to this blog? Click Blog_012412_FoodChoices1.
Life force energy is the qi (or “chi”) that gives
life to (and animates the life within) every plant
and animal in our world, including you!
Whole foods, straight from nature, have the
greatest amount of life force energy.
Foods that come from a box or bag, that have been
processed, have much less life force energy – and
in some cases have none worth speaking of.
Think of it like a really, really long game of
telephone. Remember that game from childhood,
when kids whispered words into each other’s ears,
beginning at one end of a line and waiting to see
what silly words came out at the end of the chain?
The original full nutritional potential or
meaning of the food gets a bit more diluted for
every step it takes along the
growing-picking-distribution-processing chain —
or in the case of whole foods like carrots or kale
— for every single minute, hour, and day the food
is away from its roots or its roots are out of the
Using the analogy of the telephone game again, if
the food started out as carrots in the ground with
green tops sprouting above ground – by the time it
ends up as canned carrots, it might have some of
the original color and flavor of the carrots, but
not much life force energy and greatly reduced
nutritional value.
Your ability to perform on the job or at home or
in the community is directly affected by the
amount of life force energy in the food you eat.
Your food choices affect your performance. You
need that life force energy to fuel your own life.
Ask yourself: “do I want to perform like a carrot
with its greens on top or a partially cooked
carrot saturated with liquid in a can?” I know,
it’s silly to think of it that way. But, just
imagine how different your energy level and
performance might be if you made different food
You might normally choose so-called fast foods or
convenience foods and drinks because you really
want to quell your hunger and fuel your brain as
quickly as possible, thinking that these foods
will give you the energy to do what you need to
do. But, unintentionally, your food choices end up
working against you.
The next time you’re looking to boost your energy
so you can perform better, will you reach for
another coffee or caffeinated soda or energy drink
or candy bar? Or, instead…. how about next time
you reach for beautiful, fresh, whole foods that
are actually bursting with life! Life that you can
use to be your best and perform at your optimum
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