If you feel at times that your life is spinning out of control and you have too much on your plate, then you absolutely need to read this. Or if you generally feel on top of your responsibilities, but crave more time for yourself and intimacy with loved ones, then you too will benefit from reading about the practice of mindfulness.
The more our lives increase in complexity, the more we need to mindfully practice mindfulness.
But, what the heck does that mean?
The Bottom Line
When you carve out time in your day to pause and breathe and quiet your mind, you earn back the following for yourself:
- Almost immediate reduction of your stress level, with a decrease in your heart rate and blood pressure and reduced production of cortisol levels. (Increased cortisol and blood pressure are linked with weight gain, heart disease, adrenal fatigue and other issues you don’t want!)
- Calming of that inner anxiety that makes you sweat, wakes you up at night, and causes tension in your muscles. (Wouldn’t it be nice to sleep soundly and move smoothly through your day without moments of sudden panic about your “to do” list?)
- Improved cognitive function and better decision-making, with a measurable thickening of brain tissue and acceleration in the firing of the brain. (Clear out the brain fog and boost your short term memory, with faster recall of the info you need now!)
- A boost to your joy, your creativity, and your level of patience with challenging situations and people. (No need to get huffy when someone doesn’t understand you! Slow down and connect and be present to see what unfolds in life!)
And much much more.
3 Simple Steps to Mindfulness
- Use a mindfulness app like Zazen to ping you throughout the day to remember to pause, breathe, and check in with yourself: how are you feeling? What do you need? Who can support you? What can you let go of? What are you grateful for?
- Check out how Whil can help you with focus, creativity, and breakthrough thinking, by joining this new 1-minute movement started by the founders of Lululemon. All you need is one minute!
- Commit to 5 minutes each day — either upon waking or before bed — to breathe and reflect and let go of your busy monkey mind. My experience is that for each 1 minute you practice quieting your mind, you regain 10 minutes of your life. With these 5 minutes each day, you’ll earn back more than 50 minutes a day, or roughly 304 hours a year of better productivity and a more enjoyable life. That’s 7 or 8 work weeks for most of us! But maybe you’ll use some of that time for vacation.
PLUS 4 FREE Resources
Read chapter 1 in my book Refuel Recharge and Reenergize for free by clicking here. Check out reader reviews of my book on Amazon.com.
Get a taste of the simplicity and mindfulness that weaves its way through my Boost Your Performance program. Click here to read and listen to free excerpts from this foundational training designed to create more space in your life by simplifying your daily routine, your calendar, your in box, and your living & working space.
Schedule a free 15-minute call with me to talk about how you can cultivate more mindfulness in your life!
And if you missed my last post with 8 Free Energy Boosting Tips for Thriving (instead of barely surviving), click here.
Here’s to YOU getting out of the overwhelm lane and into the happy groove of conscious working and living,
P.S. Check out this recent NY Times article on Mindfulness that might interest you.
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