My thoughts woke me up racing about the day ahead. I looked at the clock and realized it would be advantageous to get up a few minutes early so I could be fully showered by the time my boys woke up.
But later as I was drying my hair in front of the mirror I noticed that my heartbeat was faster than normal and my thoughts were still racing. Starting the day with this state of mind and a high level of anticipation only spells trouble for me.
I had to sit.
I put down the hairdryer, went to my meditation cushion, set my phone timer for five minutes, set my phone to airplane mode, and just sat with my eyes closed noticing my breath.
Wiping the slate of my mind clean for five minutes a day is critically important for me to feel steady and present, and to be more patient with my kids. If you have never read about this idea in the first chapter of my book Refuel, Recharge and Re-energize, click here to download a free copy.
As I sat on the cushion, I observed my heart rate was still quite quick and so I set the intention to slow down and elongate my breath. At first I coughed and sputtered a bit, like an old car starting up. Then I settled more into the breath.
My thoughts kept sneaking in, but I just brought my attention back to the breath again and again and again.
Then just like that 5 minutes was up and my phone timer signaled me to wrap it up. I recalled in my mind all I was grateful for and (as my friend Sara Canuso calls it) “put in my orders for the day”: a smooth and calm morning routine through dropping my boys off, being present for all my day’s commitments, feeling strong and healthy and grounded each moment of the day, welcoming a new client, etc.
And so, I sat.
What do you do to ground and center yourself? How often? I’d love to hear about your own practices!
If you want to talk further about these ideas, please be in touch. I offer a complimentary 15 minute call. Just ask!