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[audio:|titles=Blog_011012_I’mGettingTiredOfYou]“I’m getting tired of you”…
These are the words my five year old greeted me
with this morning, five minutes after my husband
walked out the door for a five-day trip.
Did I take it personally? No. Did I reply in
defense of myself? No.
Instead, I leaned into that energy. I opened my
heart, and put myself in my son’s place. I
sympathized with him, and asked him why he felt
that way. I agreed with him, and said “oh I
understand honey.” In short, I gave him the space
to feel what he was feeling and be heard without
So why do I share this story with you? This is
certainly not a parenting blog. But we each in our
everyday life face contradictory situations that
can be tough to handle. We each have a choice
about how to use our energy in responding to these
I invite you today (and maybe each day the rest
of this week) to lean into whatever energy comes
your way. Be in the flow of the moment, and put
yourself in the place of what initially might seem
to be the opposition.
Open your heart, open your ears to listen fully,
and open your mind to the experience. Let go of
expectation and judgment, and be curious and ready
for what just might possibly be a pleasant
As a parent, I have to pick my battles. And the
same goes for how I handle challenges in my
everyday work life.
Perhaps today you’ll find that you not only
conserve your energy to put to better use, but
also find yourself more at peace in the world.
Then. Notice how this affects your performance –
how you show up in your interactions, in your
creative work, in your delivery of the “final
product” at work.
And let me know what you discover!
Ready to achieve more without burn out, ignoring
your family or becoming a slave to overworking?
Then book your Performance Breakthrough Session
with me today.
Looking for a speaker for your next event? If you
want to inspire your group to get better results
at work and at home (and get their Zen on too)
then I’m your gal. Email me directly to talk