In this post, I’m sharing Rich Resources you’ll want to Keep Forever:
- Details and bonuses for next week’s free call “How to Lose Weight Effortlessly Without the 3 Dreaded D’s”
- Ideas you can implement NOW to lighten up, feel better about yourself, and have more energy, and
- Additional resources to do a seasonal cleanse and release excess pounds.
Are you feeling heavy and sluggish? Do you have a desire to lose some of the excess weight you put on over the winter months?
Are you dreading, though, that you’ll have to do it by Dieting? Or by taking some experimental Drug? Or, that you’ll have to enter the dreaded zone of Deprivation?
This is an important time of year to acknowledge the hardships you’ve been through, by reflecting on the cold, harsh winter months or your challenging past experiences, or by celebrating Passover or Easter.
By releasing your burdens and crossing over to the other side, you create space to emerge into a fresh, inviting place of new beginnings.
When you let go of excess weight, think of it as Spring cleaning for your body or de-cluttering your internal environment. When you do this, you feel lighter and more energized. You feel better about your body and yourself. And that positive shift of energy and outlook support the planting & cultivating of new seeds in your life.
What will I talk about on next week’s free call?
To celebrate Spring, and as part of my on-going expression of gratitude to you, next week’s free call will reveal:
- The #1 Eastern-inspired secret for losing weight effortlessly
- Foundational Principles I teach my private clients that are essential for letting go of what no longer serves you
- How to Go with the Flow to lose weight naturally and without the 3 Dreaded D’s (Dieting, Drugs, and Deprivation)
But, first… The Bottom Line: What do you have to gain? And what do you have to lose?
My least successful client who experimented with these ideas lost only 3 pounds in a month, and my most successful clients lost more than 40 pounds in three months. Best of all, they were all successful in losing weight.
How to Lose Weight Effortlessly
Without the 3 Dreaded D’s
April 11, 2013 at 12 noon Eastern
To learn more or sign-up to grab your spot on the line for this call, click here now.
Exciting BONUSES for Joining the Call LIVE
When you receive email confirmation of your registration for the call, you’ll also receive details about the 4 bonuses you’ll receive for joining the call LIVE at the scheduled day and time. (And, yes, these are unique bonuses just for this call!)
Why am I offering bonuses? I know you’re busy, so I want to make it worth your while to commit and follow through to joining me live! Plus, I love hearing your voice and having you be present on the call.
Register now, put the details on your calendar and don’t miss it!
Four Fabulous Trusted Resources You Should Know About
One of the best ways to boost your energy and get ready for Spring is to release excess fat from the liver that gets built-up over the winter months. On next week’s free call I’ll include resources that show you simple, manageable ways to do a seasonal cleanse without extreme measures or fasting or products.
If you want to explore the idea of participating in a professionally-facilitated seasonal cleanse from the comfort of your home, I invite you to consider one of these:
Mela Stevens of Whole Body Works is offering her 9th annual Cleanse, which is a one-week (virtual) workshop focusing on total self-care. For full details, contact Mela.
Here are the basic details:
When: Monday, April 22 through Monday, April 29, 2012
Focus: A 3-to-8 day purification helping the body (mainly), the mind (follows naturally) and the spirit (always) adjust to the change in seasons. Rest and renew to be in full preparation for living extraordinarily.
The Cleanse support includes:
- Online group coaching
- Online group conversation/dialogue with other cleansers
- A mid-week one-hour teleclass (Wed, 4/24, 9-10 PM Eastern time)
- Moderated instruction
- Informational handouts
- Recipes
- and Fun!
The 10-day Spring Detox program offered by Linda Petursdottir of Simple Well Being begins April 19. It’s a bit longer and involves even more supporting resources, so this is perfect for the person who needs a full-court press in shedding those extra pounds.
You can find all the details about Linda’s detox program, including some pretty inspiring success stories from past participants, on her website here.
Both Mela’s and Linda’s programs focus on eating fresh, whole foods, and neither involve the 3 Dreaded D’s. I have participated in both of these in the past and highly recommend them. I may be doing one of them again this Spring, but have not yet decided.
My own incremental cleanse started yesterday with cutting out alcohol and refined sugar. I’ll share more about my own cleanse on next week’s free call.
Are you the DIY type? If so, my colleague Priscilla Stephan of Sweet Path Wellness has just the thing. Her 10-Day Eat Clean Challenge is a whole foods approach to living more and weighing less. No diets or deprivation. Just a gentle but very effective way to cleanse your body from winter and holiday toxins with delicious foods that will never leave you hungry. Hello loose clothing, glowing skin and doubling your energy and good-bye to those extra pounds. You can sign up here to get her 10 day reboot: Priscilla has taken over 300 people worldwide through this super effective and fun program. If you are a beginner or a foodie, Priscilla walks you step-by-step through her program. You’ll never imagine how good healthy feels “Eat Clean Reboot”.
Note: All these ladies and I were educated at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, so we have a similar outlook and foundation of knowledge on healthy eating and self-nourishment.
And the final resource I recommend is my own recently released Clutter-Clearing, Performance-Boosting Home Study Guide. The Workbook, Quick Guide, and audio recordings share 18 tried and true tips for shifting your energy out of neutral into forward gear to get un-stuck and invite a light, fresh Spring-like vitality into your life and business.
Included are 3 of my Eastern-inspired secrets to rev up your metabolism, energy and improve your sense of well-being that don’t require hitting the gym or eating super foods. More details here.
Ideas You Can Implement Now
Implementing just one of these ideas consistently and mindfully can result in lightening your load and supporting your body in coming to its ideal weight.
(1) Chew your food.
Instead of swallowing your food too quickly, focus just on eating while you’re eating and chew each bite at least 20 times but ideally a lot more (even 50 to 100 times). I’ll share more details on why this is important on next week’s free call.
(2) Write down what you eat and drink.
The simple act of documenting in writing everything that passes between your lips increases your awareness of mindless and emotional eating and naturally motivates you to make better choices. One of the foundational principles I’m sharing on next week’s call will shed more light on this.
(3) Declutter your kitchen.
Taking the time to clear out all old packaged and processed foods from your cupboards and pantry closet, and remove all outdated jars and bottles in your refrigerator and spice collection shifts the energy of your kitchen and makes room for fresh, seasonal food. The #1 Eastern-inspired secret for weight loss that I’ll reveal on next week’s call helps explain why this is the case.
Remember to sign-up for my free call How to Lose Weight Effortlessly Without the 3 Dreaded D’s and plan to join it LIVE to receive the 4 special bonuses.
This time of year we’re all in it together! Let’s support each other on next week’s call. In the coming days and weeks, I look forward to hearing your successful weight loss and cleanse/detox stories!
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