We all want to feel good in our bodies, Free of stress and full of energy. With a positive outlook and the sense that all is well. This is what it feels like to live a juicy, creative life. A life where your passion for your work is irresistibly attractive to others, And generates the […]
Refocusing your energy
Today is Miles’s 2nd birthday and tomorrow I leave for Bali…
When you rise above the distractions and stresses of daily life, you realize there are precious moments of life happening NOW that are worth celebrating. And being present to these moments translates to better performance in all areas of life. Two of those moments are happening for me now. First, my younger son Miles turns […]
Refocusing Your Energy and Refueling Your Spirit FAST
Today’s Tip for Melting Stress, Refocusing Your Energy and Refueling Your Spirit FAST: Give yourself permission to unplug. Be a rebel and turn off your cell phone. Dare to not check your email. Let it go. Maybe just for three hours. Maybe for the entire day. (Look, if they really need to reach you, they’ll […]