What if you could find almost immediate guidance within yourself at any time, in any place, in any situation in your life, without needing to leave your home, or call a friend, or seek the support of a therapist? What if? This is what I find to be so essentially useful and (at times) life-saving […]
Sage Perspective
Get unstuck & generate new solutions with the Innovate power
Each week, I’ve been sharing one of the six ways you can use your Sage brain and activate your highest level of creativity, focus, and happiness. So far, you’ve learned about… The Sage Perspective The Empathy Power (foundational power of 5 Sage Powers) The Explore Power (a powerful tool to counter the nasty Judge saboteur) […]
Shift from feeling cornered to expansive possibilities
There are six Sage tools you can use to be your most creative and effective: the Sage Perspective and the Five Sage Powers. The Sage power that I have found to be best for countering the negative effects of the most powerful Judge saboteur is the EXPLORE power. In this week’s post, I explain how […]
It’s so hard to empathize sometimes
Not sure about your experience, but I have discovered that it’s hardest for me to empathize with others when I’m beating myself up. It turns out the foundation of empathy for others is having empathy for oneself. Who figured? (Not my saboteurs!) This week I introduce you to the first of 5 Sage Powers that […]