I hope this newsletter finds you happy, healthy and well. If you live in the northern hemisphere, the days are getting shorter and the weather cooler: how are you feeling about the seasonal shift? I am loving this cozy time of year. In last month’s newsletter I asked you to join me in a 21-Day Gratitude Challenge. How did you feel practicing gratitude? Did you notice any positive changes in your emotions, mindset and wellbeing? For November, I want to piggyback off of last month’s gratitude high, and get laser-focused on further unlocking your potential using holistic Leadership Development tools.
What do I mean by holistic? I mean bridging the gap between mind, body and spirit AND bringing all of your centers of intelligence head, heart and body to work. I invite you to take a holistic approach to your leadership growth and development, and strike a balance between your sense of self, your purpose and your community in the workplace so that you can amplify your impact.
Developing Self Awareness
Self-awareness is the first step to becoming a holistic leader. Leaders need to be aware of how their behaviors impact those they lead. Leadership isn’t just about bringing a set of skills to the table, it’s also about bringing Emotional Intelligence (EI) as well. In order to make lasting, positive change as a leader you need to first look inside yourself. Are you willing to invest in YOU, and do what is often uncomfortable, introspective work to become more self-aware? This inner work can help you connect the dots between mind, body and spirit AND active all your centers of intelligence head, heart, and body. If you take a holistic approach to your own personal development you will be on a continuous journey of enlightenment, learning and transformation thus helping you actualize your greatest potential, and amplifying your impact as a leader.
According to Indeed, “The Importance of Self Awareness in Leadership,” the characteristics of self-awareness in leadership are as follows:
- Reflective: A large part of self-awareness comes from reflecting on your own thoughts, words and actions as you communicate with others.
- Observant: Self-aware leaders pay attention to what’s happening around them by following cues from their environment.
- Empathetic: Understanding the needs of others helps self-aware leaders relate to those they lead.
- Perceptive: Anticipating the outcome of a situation is another important trait of self-aware leadership.
- Responsive: Leaders who are self-aware are active listeners. They can adapt based on the reaction of others.
- Humble: Self-aware leaders are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses and work to correct any shortcomings that can get in the way of their leadership.
- Self-controlled: Leaders who are self-aware have the ability to manage their own words and actions.
- Discerning: Self-awareness comes from making wise choices about how you will handle a situation.
- Adaptable: Self-aware leaders assess a situation and respond by changing their behaviors.
You can read the full article by clicking here.
Discovering Your Purpose
Honing in on your life’s purpose is the second step to unlocking your potential in a holistic manner. A leader who knows their purpose tends to have a greater impact on their employees, their work and their overall life. Their actions, decisions and thoughts are usually clear, focused and meaningful because they are purpose-driven. Having a sense of purpose ignites your soul to add value and make a difference in all areas of your life including work.
According to Forbes, “Leading With Purpose: How To Engage Others With Passion And Focus,” these are the seven characteristics of purpose-driven leaders:
- Passion for seeing the business succeed
- Attack work with a healthy sense of urgency
- Create a productive atmosphere
- Have a personal direction or focus
- Keep purpose front and center as they make daily decisions
- Can visualize the impact they want to have on their organization and on others
- Successfully overcome obstacles in striving to achieve long-term, sustainable results
To read the full Forbes article click here. I am here to help you cultivate and channel your purpose. Let me be your guide to identify high-leverage areas of growth while finding greater meaning in your life. To learn more about my Leadership Coaching techniques, and to work with me click here.
Create Community & Connect in Your Workplace
The third tool to help you in your quest to become a holistic leader is the ability to connect and create community in the workplace. At our core human beings have an innate need to connect and feel a sense of belonging. A holistic leader creates a sense of community in their organization and a culture of inclusiveness. While this can be challenging in our current climate as many of you are still working remotely, there are transformative technologies that can connect us even remotely. I recently wrote a LinkedIn article about how emerging technologies are transforming Leadership Coaching and connecting us. They are transforming the way we connect virtually in the workplace.
As Leadership Coaching continues to metamorphize we cannot forget just how important the human element of it is. Holistic Leadership Development is about connecting the mind, body and spirit and utilizing our centers of intelligence head, heart, and body. Through self-awareness, a sense of purpose and connective community you can unlock your true potential and develop a set of integrative skills that will create a positive and lasting impact in the way you lead and live your life.
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