All around me I see people living like zombies.
Hollow looks in their eyes, oblivious to their surroundings, stumbling through life, staring blankly at screens, completely missing their destination.
Are you living like a zombie?
I was. What drugged me up and zoned me out was stress, overwhelm, caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and complete disconnection with my body wisdom and my inner voice.
I slip into mini-versions of zombie life every once in awhile: I push myself too hard, I don’t sleep enough, and I get caught up again the exhaustion cycle fueled by chai-exercise-chai-alcohol-chai-exercise-chai-alcohol.
(Maybe your pattern is coffee-no exercise-coffee-Xanax/Ativan/Klonopin/benzodiazapine).
And when this happens, I catch my reflection in the mirror and wake up. “Oh, right, look at me going down this slippery slope again. Time to stop.”
The first time I stopped living like a zombie, I couldn’t hear the call to wake up until I was sick. Physically sick. It’s so often the body that breaks down when it is under tremendous stress on a regular basis. But sometimes the wake up call comes from a loved one who leaves. Or the loss of a job.
It is possible to stop living like a zombie. But it requires a conscious choice to say “enough is enough!” It takes courage. It takes support. And it takes some faith.
If you’re ready to re-enter the land of the living, let me show you the way. All it takes is a 15 minute phone call to set in motion a new path. I look forward to partnering with you to create a new way of living and working!