Before you finalize your 2016 goals, intentions, resolutions…
(1) Pause and reflect on what you are grateful for in your current life.
If you want to do more than reflect, then write it down — and be sure to include all the areas of your life that are meaningful to you. (Think of this as a list of what you want more of in life.)
(2) Let go of what you “want to want”…
By that I mean: be honest with yourself.
You may want to lose 25 pounds, but do you REALLY want to? Or is it something you feel obligated or pressured or guilted into doing?
You may want to grow your company by 30%, but do you REALLY want to? Or are you already feeling overwhelmed and you are worried about the impact it will have on your schedule, your non-work commitments and relationship, and on your overall health?
(3) Focus on your true passions.
Before you resolve to direct your time and attention to any next steps, look into your heart.
Take some easy relaxed breaths to quiet your mind. Slow down for a few moments before the end of today and ask yourself:
“What am I missing?”
“If no one else were watching, what would I really want?”
“What would give me greatest joy and fulfillment?”
It may have nothing to do with your current reality, and that’s okay. Just acknowledging it will be a relief…and it will also plant a seed of intention.
No need to worry today about the “how” of how that seed will be cultivated or grow.
For now, just be with your truth and give yourself some space to be one with your truth. Breath easy. And let go of other worries or “but”‘s or skepticism for now.
Next week I’ll share a quick 5-minute assessment you can do on your own to further clarify what you want to work on in 2016. Until then, smile and know you are on the right path. It will come with clarity, focus, attention, and follow-through!