Have you HIT THE WALL?
- Exhausted by all you have to do?
- Fed up with the never-ending winter weather?
- Feeling unable to get out of bed?
- Struggling to be your usual chipper, go-getter self?
You are not alone!
Let’s look at the facts:
- It’s the dead of winter (if you live somewhere cold).
- You’re not getting as much Vitamin D from limited and indirect sunlight.
- You are not moving your body as much as when it’s nice outside.
- There is less fresh food available so you are getting less vibrant life energy on your plate.
- You already had a lot (or too much) on your plate (the other kind of plate—your list of responsibilities).
- You’re waking up to what is no longer working for you, but it’s not yet corrected.
- Everyone around you is feeling the same way, and so not as able to step up and help out.
- You also may not be asking for what you need at all or as regularly as usual.
I completely get it.
I hit the wall last week.
I just completely stopped opening emails.
It was too much.
I had no reserve to tap.
My normal sources of renewable energy were not being cultivated as much (not as much yoga, fewer meditation sits, less time in nature, not breathing as mindfully, not eating as many veggies and fruits, etc, etc).
So, I paused and did the following:
Made a list of EVERYTHING I am responsible for.
I allowed myself to feel the weight of the burdens.
And I cried.
I cried on my own and I cried during my pilates class.
I had to acknowledge it and release the tension around it first.
Then, I made the conscious choice to:
Appreciate myself for all that I do.
- Look at what I could let go of for the moment AND forever.
- Reach out and let those people in my life know that I was struggling, that I wasn’t asking them to take care of it, but that I just needed to have them listen to me.
- And considered what small steps I could take to give myself a bit more love.
- It is, after all, Heart Health month.
Consider for yourself: Do any of these ideas resonate with you? What is the teeniest tiniest smallest wee little baby step you could take to move in one of these directions?
If you could use a bit more love and nurturing in your life, a bit more self-care, then consider joining us for this Saturday’s Winter Retreat day in Philadelphia. There is only 1 more spot left and registration closes TOMORROW (Wednesday) at midnight.
At a minimum, give yourself a break by practicing one of the strategies I share in the 2nd lesson of my Boost Your Performance foundational course: Lower Your Expectations.
Or email me and we can schedule 15 minutes to talk more about what’s going on with you and explore how we can partner together to get your life more in alignment with what you really want for yourself.
Here’s to giving yourself a much-needed break from all the internal pressure you put on yourself and the external pressures from others!