“It Gets Better With Age”
These were the words ironed-on with felt letters
on my mom’s t-shirt when I was a kid. I read these
words with a deep desire to understand what it
meant. All the grown-ups would tell me was
“someday you’ll understand.”
Well, now I do! It does get better with age.
I’m quickly approaching my 40th birthday — the
same age my mom was when she wore that t-shirt.
And I’m not sure I’m interpreting the “it” in that
statement the same way those grown-ups did, but
here’s what I know.
What is better overall is my understanding of the
world at large. My knowledge of my body and what’s
best for it — whether it be types of exercise,
different foods, how much sleep I need (when my
boys let me sleep), what times of day my libido is
strongest, and so on.
I encourage my clients to create a “platinum
practices” list of what they know for sure best
supports their personal performance. On my list
are things like starting the day with something
warm — whether it be lemon ginger tea, or
steel-cut oat groats. On baby days (days when I’m
home with my youngest), allowing myself to nap or
put my feet up and watch a cooking show. On work
days, building in breaks between clients to eat a
nourishing lunch and stretch my legs. And so on.
What’s on your list of platinum practices?
What ways of living, being, eating, exercising,
working, relating, serve you best in performing at
your optimum level?