When it comes time to leave an organization, whether or not you initiated your exit, you have an important opportunity to connect with the people you’ve worked with during your tenure. For many of our clients in our Executive Career ReinventionTM program, we encourage them to design some sort of event, ritual, or communication that celebrates the ending and helps to heal some of the natural emotional trauma we experience with significant life events — like leaving a company. Taking the time to do so acknowledges your humanity and others’ humanity in a compassionate way.
Recently, one of our clients sent to his team an incredibly personal and supportive letter prior to his final day at his company. The letter was the opposite of so many generic “goodbye emails” I received during my corporate days when many of my colleagues were leaving due to layoffs.
My client’s letter openly acknowledged the challenges we all experience with corporate restructuring, whether we are among those leaving (like my client) or among those being left behind (which is how it often feels to the “survivors” who were retained after a merger, acquisition, or layoff).
My client gave me permission to share a short segment of his letter, which I hope inspires you to consider what step you yourself might take to be compassionately human and connect with others when you make a career change…
Ask yourself: What sort of event, ritual, or communication will you create to celebrate your most recent ending? This shifts your energy out of stagnation, helps create space for your new beginning, AND tells the universe “I’m ready to move on!”
If you’re ready to reinvent your career, but are not sure how to start — or what you want to do next — we invite you to take the first step and apply for our Executive Career ReinventionTM program. Learn more about our unique approach, our group program that connects you to other leaders creating their futures, and apply for a call to start your reinvention today. Why wait?
Here’s to your reinvention!
Erin Owen, MBA, PCC, JCTC
Executive Career Reinvention
To start your Executive Career ReinventionTM program, apply for an initial call with me here.
Let’s talk! https://calendly.com/erin_owen/30min