What is Simcha?
It’s a Hebrew word that means many things, including happiness or joy.
However, it was explained to me last week during a lecture given by Wharton Professor G. Richard Shell about his new book Springboard, that Simcha can mean something much more profound. A rabbi once explained to Richard that Simcha can describe that feeling you sometimes have when you feel like you are in the exact right place doing the exact right thing at the exact right time.
My own personal definition of Simcha?
Something I like to think of as that wonderful, high vibrational humming feeling I get when I’m neither striving nor resisting, and I’m both in my experience yet able to observe it at the same time – the sweet spot of being in the rich flow of life.
I am grateful to know about this word Simcha, just as I am grateful for the experience of Simcha.
What moments of Simcha have you recently experienced in your life?
What are you grateful for?
As we move into next week’s celebration of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, I invite you to pause and consider these two questions:
What moments of Simcha have you recently observed in your life?
What are you grateful for?
If the second foundational principle* I teach my clients holds out in this context, you will experience more Simcha and have more things to be grateful for, simply by pondering these questions and shifting your awareness and attention to them.
Let me know what you discover!
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