If you feel at times that your life is spinning out of control and you have too much on your plate, then you absolutely need to read this. Or if you generally feel on top of your responsibilities, but crave more time for yourself and intimacy with loved ones, then you too will benefit from […]
boost performance
Break Free from The Unbearable Heaviness of Being
I don’t want to be a downer, but sometimes life is a painful struggle. You feel completely and totally overwhelmed by the most basic responsibilities that need to get done to keep the household running… to just keep the lights on in your business… to just get up in the morning. Where is there room for joy? […]
73 lbs lost to date! Register to hear more on Thursday…
I told you last week that the two most successful clients I’ve worked with using my “do less, get better results” approach lost 40+ lb in about 3 months, but… After last week’s ezine went out, my client Karen responded with her own fabulous results: 73 lbs and counting. Will you be joining me on […]
Lose Weight Without the 3 Dreaded D’s…
In this post, I’m sharing Rich Resources you’ll want to Keep Forever: Details and bonuses for next week’s free call “How to Lose Weight Effortlessly Without the 3 Dreaded D’s” Ideas you can implement NOW to lighten up, feel better about yourself, and have more energy, and Additional resources to do a seasonal cleanse and […]
Exciting news! I've given birth to…
Last year, I birthed my first book, Refuel, Recharge, Re-energize… Two years before that, I birthed Miles Benjamin… And four years before that, Ian Christopher. Today, I’m excited to announce the birth of my fourth baby… the clutter-clearing, performance-boosting home study guide! It took many years of planning and a full year of gestation, but […]